Monday 17 October 2011

Outstanding Poker Lessons from Warren Buffett

Special Poker Player,

Warren Buffett is normally one smart dude. As well as RICH.

He's the second richest man on the earth... right behind

Bill Entrance. Forbes estimates that their net worth is $40


(How's THAT for some sort of bankroll? )

What's interesting about Buffett is which he made his fortune

over a LONGGG time... by consistently beating typically the

stock market year after regularly.

He wasn't one these "overnight" dot-com billionaires.

He wasn't "lucky" to stay the right place in the right


He do not "invent" some new technological know-how that changed the

entire world.

Nope... all he managed was invest and "pick winners" more than and

over. Since taking control of Berkshire 40 in the past,

Buffett has delivered your compound annual return regarding 22%.

AND JUST BY DOING THAT, he became your second richest man alive.

OK-- exactly why am I rambling with about 75-year old boyfriend who's

good at investing?

The reason is because I've realized there presently exists DOZENS of

important parallels between the STOCK MARKET and POKER ON-LINE.

Here are just a small number of:

* The stock market is sometimes considered "gambling", due towards

its unpredictable nature... as POKER is often

considered gambling, even though it's really a SKILL game.

* The stock exchange has a heavy focus on odds and

mathematics... exactly like poker.

* The stock exchange is predominately a male-driven

sector... just like poker.

* The stock game has PLENTY of up's and down's, and

"streaks"... simillar to poker.

* And the like.

Of course, these are "surface" similarities.

Now consider the PSYCHOLOGY of poker along with the stock

market... and how they're often EXACTLY THE SAME:

* In the stock game, everyone dreams of buying that particular

MIRACLE STOCK that can be from $2 to $200 and make them


In poker, everyone has their "pipe dream" of winning a major

million-dollar tournament on ESPN.

* Whenever a stock tanks, most investors PANIC and

immediately make several bad investment decisions inside of a row.

It's usually THESE decisions that hurt them one of the most.

In poker, this is "tilt". Bad beats purpose some

damage... but it's usually your decisions you make Following the

bad beats that cause you to be lose the game.

* Truth be told, most stock investors ended up on the

LOSING END after some time... even though the promote has

Historically gone UP many years.

Most poker players turn out losing over time even, despite all

The "fish" around to prey on.

* Et cetera.

OK, so you get the idea.

Lately I've been reading a whole lot of books about the stock options

Market... and especially about Warren Buffett. (Hell, You want

Somewhere to invest almost all these poker winnings! )

Anyway, here's what's REALLY significant:

Warren Buffett's INVESTMENT APPROACH will be identical to

The POKER STRATEGY I personally use every day.

And oahu is the SAME approach used by top poker pros so that you can

consistently win tournaments plus ring games...

Interesting, huh?

Not surprisingly, it makes sense when you are affected by it.

If poker together with investing are similar, then an guys who beat

The STOCK EXCHANGE probably use the same techniques since the

guys who win within POKER.

And who far better learn poker from versus "KING" of the

currency markets... and the 2nd richest man on the planet?


Warren Buffett manages on PRINCIPLES. He isn't going to get caught

up inside "hype" or emotion.

Guidelines the five MOST IMPORTANT principles which he follows... and how they bond with your poker game.


Patience, patience, patience!

It's the number one mistake that causes a lot of poker players

to burn... and it's one from the "secrets" to Buffett's 22%

12-monthly returns.

Warren Buffett does not make an investment unless he is

absolutely 100% confident it will make him funds.

That means he PASSES UP a great deal of great investment


Warren Buffett has believed "no" to stocks that ended up

increasing by 10, 000%!

But more importantly... he's passed up the many other

stocks that APPEARED GOOD, but PLUMMETED later.

The problem is, us all of us are addicted to ACTION and

MOVEMENT and EXCITEMENT. We don't want so that you can just sit around

as well as WAIT.

But that's What Buffett does...

He waits.

And also waits.

And waits.

He KNOWS that eventually, a GREAT opportunity occurs

up... and then he'll join it.

It's the same way with poker.

You've Have to be patient. We all prefer to "get in there" and also

make strong bets... stone cold bluff out opponents... and remove

lots of pots. We wish ACTION.


You've got to sit back... be sufferer... and WAIT.

Wait permanently cards.

Wait for time for you to bust the manic with the table.

Wait for the perfect time to steal the blinds.

Wait for the perfect time to bluff out an enemy.

Wait for the PERFECT a chance to go all-in.

And then when you DO make a move...



Buffett insists on keeping 10-20% turnover together with his

portfolio. This means he / she generally holds onto the stock for

5-10 numerous years... AT LEAST.

This is actually OPPOSITE of how most investors undertake it. Most

investors are reviewing the tickers every HOUR-- reviewing for

the slightest hint of movement or info.

More importantly... Buffett only invests at a FEW STOCKS AT


Now THIS is important, because it goes next to everything

you've ever perfected.

Growing up, you probably heard this advice a lot:

"Never put every one of your eggs in one baskets. "


Well, Warren Buffett does and the second.

He puts all his eggs in a single basket... but... he prefers that


You see, Buffett believes that if you've done your assignments

and you're confident as part of your decision, there's NO Will need to


In fact, he believes this is actually ONLY REAL WAY to acquire rich

in the market. Because if you buy A lot of stocks, some

Are doomed to look down... and that will certainly hurt your gains.

Now think how this pertains to poker.

In poker, most players risk money on Many pots, and try

to have the best odds for all... maybe 55%, 60%, along with the

OCCASIONAL 70% or larger.

What PROFESSIONAL poker players do is merely play those

OCCASIONAL pots when using the best odds.

BUT, they risk more chips right after they do it...

So instead of risking 20% of your current chip stack five occasions...

You want to risk 90% with the chip stack ONE point in time. But you


For example, let's say the "average" poker on-line player enters

Three spots where he feels the odds are in his gift.

The three pots go this way:

1.) He pitfalls 1000 in chips together with 60% odds.

2.) She or he risks 1000 in debris with 50% odds.

3.) They risks 1000 in potato chips with 60% odds.

Right now... MATHEMATICALLY speaking... there tend to be EIGHT different

Ways these types of scenarios can go. They are as follows (a triumph is

Designated with "W" along with loss with "L"):

1.) W-W-W

2.) W-W-L

3.) W-L-W

4.) W-L-L

5.) L-W-W

6.) L-W-L

7.) L-L-W

8.) L-L-L

Whenever he wins all a few, he ends up with the help of 3000 chips in revenue.

If he wins couple of but loses one, he winds up with just 1000

Potato chips in profit.

If she LOSES two but is victorious one, he ends " up " with 1000 chips with


And he when loses all three, she or he loses 3000 chips whole.

Get it?

Now let me reveal to you the PERCENTAGES of search of a


Watch out, this can surprise you.

If you had been to play three pots as described above and also risk

1000 chips per one, and do the following exercise 100 times,

fogged headlights would happen:

18% of times you'd win 3, 000 potato chips total.

42% of any time you'd win 1, 000 poker chips total.

32% of the time period you'd lose 1, 000 potato chips total.

8% of enough time you'd lose 3, 000 motherboards total.

Your "net average" would be to PROFIT 400 CHIPS.

NOW... that's the "normal" process.

Now let's look around the WARREN BUFFETT approach.

Say you entered just ONE pot and risked 3000 wood chips

(Instead of 1000) with 70% odds to your benefit.

Now watch what arises:

70% of the period you'd win 3, 000 snacks total.

30% of enough time you'd lose 3, 000 poker chips total.

Your "net average" may be to PROFIT 1200 CHIPS.

That's TRIPLE the effects over time!

The key may be to get BETTER ODDS and RISK MORE.

I better interject here i always do NOT recommend being one in every of

Those players who simply sits back, waits to your "nuts", and

then travels all-in.

Not even close.

In fact, if you've read my newsletters you are aware of that I'm a

very aggressive player who likes to push action.

The KEY is we BUILD THIS IMAGE via techniques based

on feeler gamble, positioning, and sensing listlessness.



I know that if the odds are heavily in my favor, it's time

to put my eggs within a basket and do it...



There's quite popular stock market concept referred to as, "Efficient

Market Theory" (EMT).

Almost the entire world's leading business classes teach this

Widely-accepted theory.


Warren Buffett says that your EMT is a bunch of hogwash!

He's actually gone in record saying that an important part of him LOVES

the reality business schools teach that theory: It makes

Important things easier on him considering his competition doesn't find out

What they're doing!

Today... I'm not going to argue whether or not the theory is right as well as

Wrong. It doesn't matter for our discussion here.

What I find fascinating is what Buffett believes Well spoken

About the stock sector...

You see, the EMT basically says how the stock market is

"Efficient" around its pricing... and that a lot buy/sell

Behavior is "rational".

Buffett disagrees. He is CONSTANTLY scouting for

Opportunities where he thinks this market is acting in a strong

IRRATIONAL manner... and then he jumps on the chance to buy

An under-priced stock option.

In other words, a core an important part of his investment philosophy can be

That the stock market isn't really efficient... and that there is

Always room to cultivate your "bankroll" when many others act


It's the equivalent with poker.

When you're playing Texas hold em, you want to location the

"Sucker" at the actual table... the guy who is responsible for making IRRATIONAL


This does not only apply to newbie’s, either. Even PROS have got

"Irrational" habits, tells, and additionally "tilt" behavior.

Your OPPONENTS will available millions of "profit

Opportunities" for you... if you just enjoy closely.

And that brings us to the next principle:



This one has almost an immediate translation to poker:


You're not playing poker with house... you're playing

With your opponents.

With the industry, everyone is always reviewing the

PRICE of a stock to discover if it's worth buying or


Buffett actually doesn't even go through the price until LAST.

What he discusses is the VALUE IN THE BUSINESS.

He only invests in top-notch businesses who meet specific

Conditions. He wants a profitable business with strong growth leads

LONG TERM, good software, and stable numbers.

Once he finds a company that meets these standards, THEN he

Looks along at the price.

When the cards ended up, what's the first factor you're

Thinking about? What looking at?

You should be wondering about your OPPONENTS... the

POSITIONING with the table... the BETTING BEHAVIORS you've picked

Up in the last few hands... and any opponents' FACES as

they view their cards.

THEN as soon as the action comes to you and it is YOUR TURN, you

should peek to view what you're holding.

Competitors first, cards second.


Warren Buffett you will find there's very "conservative" investor,

Because are most poker pros. He'll only buy carries that

He feels are practically "guaranteed" to move up.

You should demand a fabulous "margin of safety" about every hand you

Carry out. This is actually quite easy than it sounds.

Several your tactics should feature:

* Avoiding heads-up situations with players who have got more

Chips and instead favoring especially those with fewer chips. (That

Way for those who go all-in and get rid of excess, you can still wear the

Game. )

* Buying pots and bluffing when you've good positioning.

(That way you can find a read on the opponent and escape when

Things go bad. )

* Only "chasing" draws if the pot odds are MUCH in

Your favor. (That way you end up way ahead over occasion. )

* And such like.


Perhaps the most important lesson I've learned by Warren

Buffett is to never FEAR doing the "unpopular" problem.

His career PROVES that "going resistant to the grain" is often

Your best option.

He doesn't live by what others do... he keeps going on GUIDING

PRINCIPLES that "win" after some time.

Whether it's ways to make sure you leverage table positioning, techniques for

Defeating common opponent styles, techniques for "stealing

That button", or figuring out appropriate times to bluff...

... You have got to first learn the ONLINE POKER PRINCIPLES. And then

You will need the GUTS to remain faithful to them.

So where do you really learn these principles?

A good option to start is by simply joining my free Online poker Tips

Email newsletter. You'll find it jam-packed with Texas Holem tactics

And secrets that you possibly can INSTANTLY use to strengthen your


Join right now and your first issue will comprise this free


"Avoid All of these Costly Mistakes When Having fun with Texas Holdem"

Inside you can learn the 10 many dangerous mistakes most

Internet poker players make... and EASY METHODS TO AVOID THEM.

Talk to you personally soon.

Your New Close friend,

Roy Rounder

Roy Rounder is often a professional poker player together with author of "No Confine Holdem Secrets"-- a 229-page tutorial to poker strategy together with techniques.

Sign up pertaining to Roy's free poker point’s newsletter here: www. RoyRounder .com


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